Monday, October 14, 2019

runDisney Tag

Disneyland Paris weekend recently wrapping up and Wine and Dine weekend just around the corner, all of us runDisney runners are so excited for the start of runDisney season! There's a runDisney tag going around and I thought it would be fun to share my answers as we're waiting for our next race!

How did you first hear about runDisney?

I first heard about runDisney when, as a passholder, I accidentally went to Epcot during a race weekend and I saw all of the runners. I didn't think much of it at that point. After my husband got into running and was looking into other fun races to do, he found RezRuns on youtube and we really discovered the magic of runDisney races from there. 

How many runDisney races have you done?

I have run 5 runDisney races on Disney property, 4 virtual races and completed 4 challenges. My first race was the WDW Marathon Weekend half marathon in January of 2019 so I jumped in the deep end of runDisney and did all of the weekends this year. (I'm coming for you Wine and Dine!)

What is your favorite runDisney race or weekend?

I have to reserve my final judgement until after Wine and Dine but WDW Marathon Weekend is my favorite so far. It's the biggest weekend and there are always so many more people at this weekend. It's like a big runDisney family reunion. I also adored getting to cheer for the marathon runners! Since I usually do the half marathon, the other race weekends don't offer that opportunity. It's really a magical experience cheering on the amazing marathon athletes.

What is your favorite park to run through?

It's so hard to choose! I really love running through the parks in the dark because they are so beautiful all lit up! So I guess that would make Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom my favorite.

What is your favorite runDisney medal?

I absolutely adore my Donald medal from WDW Marathon Weekend 2019. It's beautiful plus I have such an emotional attachment to it because it was my first runDisney race and my first half marathon. The runner up has to be my Kessel Run medal. The Millennium Falcon is hard to beat!

What is your favorite runDisney t-shirt?

I'm not a big running shirt person. I actually donate most of my shirts from local races! I want bling not shirts. lol I do really love the Mulan shirt from the 2019 Princess 10k. I love the bright green color and it feels really fun to me.

What are three songs on your runDisney playlist?

I'm a weird runner because I almost never listen to music while running. I'll run with silence for shorter runs or podcasts on longer runs. And I never listen to anything on races. But if I did listen, Go the Distance from Hercules, How Far I'll Go from Moana and Almost There from Princess and the Frog.

Do you go for a PR at runDisney races?

It depends. Sometimes, I just run slowly and enjoy the whole race. Sometimes, I run for time. And sometimes, I go fast just to get as much race done before the weather gets awful!

Which characters do you always stop for?

If there's a character that goes with the costume I'm wearing, I'll stop for them. If I'm doing a challenge, I'll usually stop for loads of characters on the 10k and stop for fewer on the half. I'm not a huge character person so I don't have a lot of must sees.

What is your favorite pre/post race meal?

Such a hard question! I am a fat adapted runner so I don't need to carb load. The day before a race, I try to eat similarly to how I eat at home with a focus on making sure I'm getting all my veggies. The morning of, I need tea and maybe a banana but I do run fasted a lot. After the last race of the weekend, I'm all about treating myself! I love saltly snacks immediately after the race and Dole Whip later on in the day.

What is your favorite costume you've run in?

I love my Cinderella costume from WDW Half Marathon! It was so magical to run as Cindy through her castle! 

Which costume are you most excited about running in?

I'm planning on running as Lady Tremaine for Princess Weekend 2020. It'll be cool to have the Cinderella and the Lady Tremaine photos side by side.


  1. This is so cool! Your doing great, the Cinderella running costume is so nice.


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