Monday, January 6, 2020

2019 Medal Tag!

Happy 2020 runners! I thought this would be a great time to chat about my favorite 2019 medals as sort of a look back at this year and to get excited for WDW Marathon Weekend which is just around the corner. I had an amazing running year with so many great memories and special moments, not to mention a whole lot of bling! I've picked some questions from various running medal tags that have been going around Youtube to share with you all so let's go.

1. What is your favorite runDisney 5k medal?

I did the runDisney Summer Virtual shorts this year and my favorite 5k medal had to be the Captain Marvel one! Not only is Captain Marvel my favorite Marvel superhero, the medal is stunning! I love the bold but simple design. It looks great!

2. What is your favorite runDisney 10k medal?

When the designs were released for the 2019 Princess Weekend, my favorite was the Mulan 10k medal. I'm so happy I was able to register for this race at the last minute. It was such a fun race and I love the medal. And Mulan is probably the most active Disney princess so it really fits.

3. What is your favorite runDisney half marathon medal?

I did all of the Disney World half marathons in 2019 so it was really hard to pick but I have to go with the Donald medal from Marathon Weekend. It was my first half and my first runDisney medal and I was so proud of myself for earning it. The design is also so pretty with bold yellow and blue.

4. What is your favorite runDisney challenge medal?

I also ran a lot of runDisney challenges this year but the Kessel Run Challenge medal has to be my favorite. The Millennium Falcon is such a cool design and I like the aged look of the medal. I'm really happy that I got this medal this year because they redesigned the medal for 2020 and I'm not a huge fan of the new one.

5. Which is your hardest earned runDisney medal?

This is a hard one because I had a lot of difficult races at runDisney this year. The WDW Marathon Weekend half was my first half marathon and it was really rough on my body. The Star Wars Rival Run half was really warm but I pushed myself and got a 10 min PR. The Wine and Dine half was the race I pushed myself on the hardest getting another (almost) 10 min PR.

6. What is your favorite runDisney spinner medal?

I just love the Rival Run Challenge spinner medal. The black space theme of the background of the medal is really sharp and I love the divided spinner with Luke and Darth Vader. So cool!

7. What is the runDisney medal from your favorite costume?

I had a lot of great running costumes this year but my favorite was Orson Krennic from Rogue One. I ran as him for the Rival Run half marathon and it was so much fun! When in doubt, run with a cape. I'm not sure a ton of people knew who I was but it was so fun to run in plus super comfortable.

8. What is the biggest runDisney medal you earned?

The Wine and Dine Challenge medal is so huge and heavy! It's a giant pyramid with three spinners and three dangling charms! It's so big that I did not wear it around in the parks. I was worried the charms might fall off and that my neck would get tired! But it does look amazing on my medal rack.

9. What is your favorite non-Disney medal based solely on design?

This one has to go to the Space Coast Half Marathon. It wasn't my favorite race experience (mostly due to the weather and bad information about the course) but the medal is so beautiful! It's another big, hefty medal with a nice solid base so you could display it like a trophy if you didn't want to hang it.

10. What is the medal from your favorite non-Disney race based on experience?

I have to go with the Kissimmee Spartan Sprint for this one. I had a blast challenging myself with the training for this race by doing more strength training and getting outside of my comfort zone. I also ran this race with a team which was really fun.

11. What is your favorite runDisney medal based solely on design?

I'm going to mention a favorite that I haven't gotten to talk about yet and that's the Star Wars Virtual Half Marathon R2-D2 medal. It's so pretty! The silver with red accents is really striking and they did a great job of bringing our favorite droid to life.

12. What is the medal from your favorite runDisney race based on experience?

Another really hard question but I'm going to go with the Princess Challenge medal. I did a last minute girls trip for this race weekend with my friend Melissa. We ran the challenge and it was so much fun getting to have that weekend with her even though it was really crazy! So much fun!

13. What is your favorite race shirt?

I love the bright green Mulan shirt from the Princess 10k. I think the design looks really sharp and I love brightly colored shirts to wear when I run so I'm easy for driver to see. I know it's not everyone's favorite color but it's 100% my most worn runDisney race shirt.

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